Nicole Böttler


Born in 1980 in the former DDR, I immigrated with my family to West Germany in 1989, before the Fall of the Berlin Wall. After 15 years in Karlsruhe I moved to a small village near Stuttgart in the south of Germany, where I am now living with my partner and our three children. I found my voice in photography not until my second child was born. Since then, I’m trying to put the things I’m not able to say in a discreet form by using the frame to communicate what it means to feel as I do.


«Unspoken» is a self-portrait series. Growing up, I didn’t learn to connect with «it». Sexuality wasn’t something to talk about. So I pushed it deep down inside. Not only had I abandoned it, I rejected it. And lost myself along the way. These photographs are a testimony of a journey back into my skin and soul. A witness of a long way home.

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