Andreas Franke


I’m a photographer. Father. Passionate diver. I travel the world and have always enjoyed the unmistakable beauty of nature. I’ve taken tons of pictures of this beauty. This is what I do best. Catching moments, impressions, feelings with my camera. Creating photographs is my way of dealing with a subject. And it is how I can bring attention to the problem of plastic in our oceans.


With my art, I don’t want to shock anyone, but rather draw attention to a subject to make people think. I believe that humanity has learned to repress shocking images. The more frightening the pictures, the more ineffective they become in the end. Shocking images of sea creatures are not processed any further by many people. They have no relationship to the ocean, and therefore have no relationship to its living beings, and so they do nothing. From this, I developed my idea for the Plastic Ocean Project.

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